Define Books Toward Познание за жена

Original Title: לדעת אישה ISBN13 9789543400751
Edition Language: Bulgarian
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Познание за жена Paperback | Pages: 224 pages
Rating: 3.54 | 1557 Users | 104 Reviews

Relation Concering Books Познание за жена

Амос Оз, един от най-популярните еврейски писатели, е създал книга за тайния агент на Мосад Йоел Равив, известен сред колегите му като "самоходния детектор на лъжата".
Цял живот Йоел умело предотвратява заговори срещу Израел, надушва и чуждите, и вътрешните врагове на родината. Ала жена му умира при нелеп битов инцидент у дома, по чехли.
Йоел се оттегля с дъщеря си Нета и двете ѝ баби в покрайнините на Тел Авив, за да подреди остатъците от разпиления си живот, да премисля защо все пак не е опазил най-скъпото си, да открие врага под собствения покрив.
С присъщата си словесна ненатрапчивост и тънка ирония авторът поставя въпроса за важните неща в живота и за непостижимостта на порива да познаеш другия, особено когато става въпрос за собствената ти жена.

Specify Of Books Познание за жена

Title:Познание за жена
Author:Amos Oz
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 224 pages
Published:2007 by Милениум (first published 1989)
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. Israel. Literature. Jewish

Rating Of Books Познание за жена
Ratings: 3.54 From 1557 Users | 104 Reviews

Commentary Of Books Познание за жена
He's certainly not Virginia Woolf, but I did find it mezmerizing, and it made me want to reread Mrs Dalloway.

I liked the beginning of this book. Unfortunately the last third was disappointing. So not really my kind of book

Yoel is a shadowy governmental arms dealer (a spy?) at the beginning of the novel when his wife dies, electrocuted by accident in the arms of a neighbour. Was it an accident? Were his wife and the neighbour lovers, or did he just come upon the scene and get zapped himself? Yoel's powers of observation are so finely tuned, so sensitive to every nuance but the harder he looks the more everything falls apart. Yet at the same time Oz has created a character blind to everything important in his life,

Excellent writing about mourning. Without mentioning the word once. But for me it is way too slow, no action, no movement, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, silence.

For the first half, I thought it was a truly great novel. But the second half did not live up to the first. One problem was Ozs use of repetition. I love repetition when it provides either a rhythm to the work or it makes the content of what is repeated more resonant as the novel progresses (or both, if possible, as in the works of Vladimír Páral). The problem with Ozs repetition is that it didnt do either, at least not for me.Two, its very hard to sustain a story about someone who has retired

Nothing very exciting happens but I loved the feel of the story. Reminded me of AB Yehoshua's writing (or maybe it's the other way around and this book came first).